Tuesday, 14 December 2010

The 12 Verbs of Christmas!

In our 5th grade English class we worked with verbs during the month of December. We chose verbs that were easy to "show" and we made a video. The 12 Verbs of Christmas video shows our work.

Angajulliit Santa Lucia!


Nu bæres lyset frem
stolt på din krone
rundt om i hus og hjem
sangen skal tone
nu på Lucia-dag
hilser vort vennelag
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia

Her ved vor ønskefest
sangen skal klinge
gaver til hver en gæst
glad vil du bringe
skænk os af lykkens væld
lige til livets kvæld
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia

Nightly, go heavy hearts
Round farm and steading
On earth, where sun departs,
shadows are spreading.
Then on our darkest night,
Comes with her shining light
Sankta Lucia! Sankta Lucia!
Then on our darkest night,
Comes with her shining light
Sankta Lucia, Sankta Lucia.

Night-darkling, huge and still.
Hark, something's stirring!
In all our silent rooms,
Wingbeats are whisp'ring!
Stands on our threshold there,
White clad, lights in her hair,
Sankta Lucia! Sankta Lucia!
Stands on our threshold there,
White clad, lights in her hair,
Sankta Lucia! Sankta Lucia!

Darkness shall fly away
Through earthly portals.
She brings such wonderful
words to us mortals!
Daylight, again renewed
will rise, all rosy-hued!
Sankta Lucia! Sankta Lucia!
Daylight, again renewed,
will rise, all rosy-hued.
Sankta Lucia! Sankta Lucia!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

The Christmas Market

Akuliit have been busy making decorations and cookies to sell in their Christmas Market. We held the market over two days after the first Advent Sunday of 2010.

Our first day was quite slow as few people had heard of our market, but the pupils were keen to sell something.

The decorations were hung up so that people could see them.

Some of the elves and small Father Christmasses were arranged on tables.

We even had decorations hanging in the plants in our Aula!

Day two of the market was much better as we had announced the market on the local Kap York Radio.

The pupils sold a lot more things on day two.

The decorations that we did not sell were hung up to decorate the classrooms and common area (Aula).

Two English guys were at the market. Chris, on the left, is a teacher at the school and Stephen, on the right, is researching the local dialect Qaanamiut for one year.

We had a good tow days but it was hard to come back to a normal routine again!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Emneuge - Jorlimi! - pandekager

 7. klasse lavede en stor portion pandekage til julemarked sammen med deres klasselærer Dorthe.

De havde det godt i skolekøkkenet og vi blev glad for at kunne sælge så mange pandekager.

Nogen dage tidligere havde flere elever fra Akuliit travlt ved at bage småkager til Julemarked, med denne historie vende vi tilbage til.

Alle pandekager blev spist af kunder og elever i løbet af mandag og tirsdag i denne uge.

Monday, 15 November 2010

5th Grade Radio Stars!

Pipaluk, Birgithe, Frederikke and Kaaleeraq have been to the local radio station to answer questions about smoking.

Together with Sabine and Lone they spent about 15 minutes "on air" explaining why they were involved in the "non-smoking class" project.

This is the second time students from Akuliit have been on the local radio.  They have even been on national radio in connection with disability awareness.  Radio Stars!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Røgfri klasse 2010 fik besøg af politiet!

Det gik godt med politibesøg i mellemtrin. Rudi fortalte noget om rygeloven fra 1. oktober 2010 og hvad det har for nogle konsekvenser, når man ryger i offentlige lokaler.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Hvad er en god ven?

  I forbindelse med arbejdet om den røgfri klasse har elever på Akuliit spurgte hinanden om venskab, og hvad det betyder at være en god ven.

Ungaaq's favourite car!

Ungaaq's favourite car is a Lamborghini Murcielago!

Lukas' favourite car!

The car from transformers.  Chevrolet camaro.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

5th Grade Zombies!

5th grade are working with the topic Halloween and they are making a movie!

The movie is still "under production" but we can show you a trailer.  Here is the trailer for the movie called: "5th Grade Zombies!"

As usual, we can't see it on the web from school, but we wanted to share our work.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Smoking: who decides?

All the children in Akuliit took part in a discussion about who decides if you should smoke cigarettes. 

Some of the children took turns to play the part of someone who smokes and a friend who talks to them about why they smoke.

Everyone watched and listened to learn more about smoking and how one can help friends to stop.

Røgfri klasse 2010 på sygehuset

4. og 5. klasse har været på sygehuset i Qaanaaq for at lære hvordan rygning påvirke kroppen.

De prøvede iltmasken,

og de testede deres lung kapacitet.

Tilbage i klassen arbejdede begge klasse videre men deres oplevelse på syghuset.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Jeg kan også lide ...

Jeg kan også lide  Rihanna.
Her er et link: http://rihannanow.com/

Valentine's yndlings musik!

Hej mit navn er Valentine
Jeg kan lide  pussy cat dolls
Her er et link: http://www.pcdmusic.com/
Deres bedsta sang

Yin Yang animation af Lukas

Lukas har brugt to programmer for at lave sin Yin Yang animation: Paint og Movie Maker.
(Men vi kan stadig ikke se den på skolen pga. blokering af "streaming video". Vi håber I nyde den! ;O)

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Ihiiguk! Angajullerni Bloggi

Nu blogger snart hele skolen! Angajullerni Bloggi!

Qaanaami innarluutilinnut sapaatip akunnera

Ass.: Sabine Moratz

Innarluutilinnut sapaatip akunnera ”Uge 41” ingerlanneqarpoq, Qaanaami atuarfimmi atuartut akulliit suleqatigalugit. Sammineqarpoq ” Allaanerulluni qanoq isumaqarpa” aammalu ” inunnut allaanerusunut/innarluutilinnut qanoq qisuariartarpugut”.
Atuartut ilinniartitsisumik pitsaaliuisumillu ilitsersorneqarput nammineq isummaminnik misilittakkaminnillu oqaluttuarsinnaanermut. Atuartut oqallittarfimmi pinnguarnermi, isiginnaartitsinermi, imminnullu tatigisinnaanermik annertusarnerani assigiinngitsunik aaqqiiniarsaripput, atuartut namminneq sapinngisatik pitsaasut nassaaraat , oqallittarfimmilu nalunaarutigalugit, taakkua ersersinneqassapput quppersaganngorlugit.
Qaanaami innarluutilinnut sapaatip akunnera naammassineqarpoq 17. Oktobari atuarfiup inersuaani ataatsimiinnermik, meeqqat inersimasullu innarluutillit taakkulu ilaqutaat qaaqquneqarsimallutik.
Ataatsimiinnermi eqqartorneqarpoq innarluuteqarluni illoqarfimmi inuuneq. Innarluutillit ilaqutaallu ilaatigut inuiaqatigiinnut immannguaannaq ilaasarlutik imaluunniit ilaanngilluinnarlutik, taamaattumillu peqatigiffeqalernissartil kissaatigalugu.

Qaasuitsup Kommuniani innarluutillit pillugit politikip siunertaraa illoqarfinni tamani innarluutilinnut siunnersuisooqatigiinnik pilersitsisoqarnissaa. Tamanna tulliani innarluutillit pillugit sapaatip akunneqarnialerpat novembarimi qaqinneqassaaq.

Ihiiguk! Link

7.kl arbejde med Movie Maker

I 7.kl bruger vi Movie Maker til vores lille animation projekt. Det tage ikke så lang at lære programmet at kende, og nogen er rigtig god til at hjælpe de andre.

Processen tage helle ikke så lang så vidt man har en ide at starte med. Det sværeste er at sørge for at hvert billede man tage med digitalekameraet er ens.

For os er det en måde at arbejde med computer i stedet for bare at spille.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Niiliannguaq makes a cartoon!

Niiliannguaq has worked hard to make an animation in class.  

She started by drawing a storyboard.

Then Niilia drew a small part of the picture and took one photo.

She did this many times. 


And again.

 Until she was finished. 

Then, Niiliannguaq put it all together in Movie Maker.

She had to speed up the film to make it look right.

She added text at the start of the film.

You can see the film here:

Unfortunately, we can't see the film on the internet at school as it is blocked, but we wanted to share Niilia's hard work!