At Avanersuup Atuarfia (Ava Atu = AvAtu) we enjoy recording and editing films. This school year, 2011-12, we hope to show more films on our blog.
Here is a list of the film projects currently in production and coming soon:
Learn Greenlandic (Inuktun)
Made entirely by the pupils in Akulliit (middle school) from Avanersuup Atuarfia
Premiere: 20th January 2012
Click for Film
4th Grade: We Are 4th Grade!
Presenting 4th Grade from Avanersuup Atuarfia
Premiere: September 2011
5th Grade: We Are 5th Grade!
Presenting 5th Grade from Avanersuup Atuarfia
Premiere: September 2011
5th Grade: 5th Grade Zombies 2011
A 5th grade zombie movie for Halloween
Premiere: 31st October 2011
Click for Teaser Trailer
6th Grade: Ghost Film
Using scripts written in class and camera operators and actors from the 6th grade at Avanersuup Atuarfia.
Premiere: 31st October 2011, on Halloween
Click for Teaser Trailer
10th Grade: Goodbye Sun Film
Six guys from 10th Grade Avanersuup Atuarfia are going to film and edit their own rap music video in Greenlandic.
Premiere: 24th October 2011
Click for Film