Monday, 31 October 2011

Halloween Part 2


 On the morning of Halloween, Vittus prepares a spooky lunch.

Rasmine and Zella and the magic potion!

We have to eat this?

After a short wait we finally let our guests into Akulliit!

There really were a lot of people!

Everyone had been invited to see our ghost movies (made in English) and taste our strange food. 

And the lights went out and we started the movie ...

Thanks to all pupils and teachers in Akulliit for working so hard
to make Halloween 2011 a fun day to remember!

Friday, 28 October 2011

Halloween Part 1

In Akulliit we have been working hard getting ready for Halloween! 

Rasmine and the 5th graders were busy making strange coloured pancakes.

Everybody worked on making our Aula look as spooky as possible.

Including the door to Akulliit!

The sofa was positioned with the projector ready to show the 5th and 6th grade Halloween movies.


 Nicoline and Gertie made posters to advertise their movies.

Kind of scary!

Betty and Mîdtlâraq and many other students worked hard to cover the lights.

Josef and his 4th grade class made lots of spooky decorations.

 We were just about ready on Friday, the last school day before Halloween!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Goodbye Sun!


All too soon it was time to say goodbye to the sun. 
We will see it again around the 18th of February next year.

It is a strange thing to celebrate. However, pupils, staff and people 
from town climbed up the hill behind the satellite dish to say farewell to the sun.

A few songs were sung.

And some words spoken...

...before we all rushed back for bread rolls, hot chocolate and a movie.

10th graders Erik, Mamarut, Rasmus and Qaaqquk worked hard to make a film in their freetime. Video from 5th, 6th and 7th grade was added too. You can see it by clicking the link below:

 The quality is low as it costs a fortune to use the Internet in Greenland
- to see more you'll just have to come and visit us! ;O)

After the movie we tidied up and carried on ... without the sun!

But it will be back and we will be waiting!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Spøgelse: del 2

Ja, spøgelses projekt blev lidt større end forventet og vi i 5. klasse havde brug for hjælp. 6. klasse kom ind for at hjælpe til! Her er Nicoline og Pipaluk godt i gang.

Hovedet er ved at bliver klar til maling.

Birgithe var med til både at hjælpe, tage billeder og sørge for stemmning! 
Tuparnaq, Saalat og Frederikke var også med.

Bibiane, 5. klasse, tænkt at spøgelse vil ser godt ud med hendes gips maske ... det gør den, men også meget mere uhyggeligt! Kaaleeraq var med til at klippe en del papir som vi klisterede ind i mel og vand som lim.

Uhyggeligt, ikke? 

Den er næsten færdig! Hold øje ved bloggen for at følge med!

ETE internetikkut qupperneq


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Ghostly goings on in 5th grade!

Do you believe in ghosts? We are not sure, so we have decided to make one in 5th grade!

We need flour and water, a big bowl ... and something to build on. We don't have chicken wire to use with paper maché so we are using a camera tripod and a bin bag! Martha gets everything ready.

Irena and Gertie start making the head.

Chris gets messy too.

 It really is disgusting! We didn't have normal flour so we used some wholemeal stuff ...

Betty, Bibiane, Gertie, Marth and Kevin get stuck in!

Stay tuned for more about our ghost.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

More teeth!

In Akulliit we are working hard to look after our teeth!

We keep our toothbrushes and toothpaste by the door of our classroom.

And we brush our teeth regularly!

Magdalene comes to help us once a week.

And we get good results.

Even the teachers are brushing!